📸 Skai Chan Photography

Children Photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends

Listed in portrait category:Children's | Friends'

Children photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends at The Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)

Children photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends at The Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)

Children photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends at The Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)

Children photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends at The Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)

Children photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends at The Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)

Children photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends at The Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)

Children photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends at The Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)

Children photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends at The Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)

Children photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends at The Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)

Children photoshoot with Katie, Karie & Friends at The Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)

These children's portraits were taken during Katie and Katie's advanced birthday party at The Tiara Society at East Coast Park.

I faced major challenges.

Firstly, the lighting condition was terrible. The place was much dimmer than I had anticipated. The ceiling was covered by aluminium sheets that were reflective. That prevented from me using my speedlite.

Secondly, Katie began a little cranky after waking up from the long trip and then started being very playful. She led her closest friends to play hide and seek from me. It greatly reduced the chance of me capturing the main birthday girl.

Thirdly, there were many other children around and I faced huge difficulty in identifying my subjects.

Nevertheless, it was a fun photoshoot. The happiest moment was when I got to climb an obstacle with Katie to build up our rapport after the shoot.

FeaturingKatie, Karie & FriendsHairstylist-Makeup Artist (MUA)-
Wardrobe ↬ The Tiara Society
CameraCanon 6D Mark IILensCanon 24-70mm F2.8L IILightingAmbient light
PlaceThe Tiara Society @ Coastal PlayGrove (ECP)Date ↬ Year 2022

Photo Editing type ↬ Basic
💲 Photographer's fee ↬ Prices & packages for Children's photography

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